Host a virtual bingo game
This tutorial explains how to host a bingo game with the Virtual Bingo Caller. As you make the random draws, the caller will automatically track and validate winning cards in the winners list. You can give it a try with the Free virtual bingo game.

Make random draws of numbers
The bingo caller will be activated by default for 3 hours, and you can host as many games as you like by clicking on “Restart the game”. You can modify the winning patterns every time you restart the game.

Players can get their virtual bingo cards on the public games list page or on your private bingo page. You can choose from a list of 81 different winning bingo patterns to get a bingo.
Virtual Flashboard
Display the draws to players during the game with the Virtual Bingo Flashboard. When you restart a new game, the cards, caller and flashboard will be reset and players can continue playing with the same cards.

Watch the video tutorial
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– Instructions –
Start hosting your bingo game
At this stage you should have already created a New bingo project with your cards. Go in the row of your project and click the “Play” icon.

Select a bingo project and click “Play”
with the app ⭐
Game Settings
Access Settings

Game name
When the game is active, the game name will appear on the Public Games List Page or on your Private Bingo Page URL.

Make the game private
This option will appear if you have created your bingo page URL. When you have a bingo page this option will be at “Yes” by default and your game will be displayed on your private page. If you want to display your game on the public game page, select “No“.
Access type
Unique password:
If you want all players to use the same password to join your game, select “Unique password” and write the password.
Codes list:
If you want players to join the game with access codes, select “Codes list” and select your codes.
Go in the row of your bingo project and click “Codes“, and click “Create a codes list“. To view the list of codes, click “Codes“.

Game Type
By default the selection is at “Bingo Caller” and the caller will draw random numbers during the game. If you have created a simulation with your project, you can select “Simulation” and select the simulation you want to play. Your simulation will be in the play only for the first game. The caller will make the draws in the same order previously selected in your simulation and will reproduce the outcome for the winners. When you restart a new game the caller will return to the normal bingo caller mode and make random draws as per normal.
Allocation of cards
This is where you set the cards for the game. If you play using printed cards click “Set all to print“. If you play using virtual bingo cards, players can have from 1 to 4 virtual cards on the same device.

Allocation of cards with “Unique password”

Number of virtual cards
This is where you choose if you play a game with printed bingo cards, with virtual bingo cards, or both. By default this option is set for Virtual Cards. To change the ratio of printed cards and virtual cards, modify the number of virtual cards as needed. If you would like to play only with printed bingo cards, click “Set all to print“.

Allocation of cards with “Codes list”

Codes list: All virtual
With the option “All virtual“, players can join your virtual game using the list of codes. With this option you are able to remove specific cards during the game. Click the icon in the caller and write the card numbers you want to remove from your game. A message will notify the players.

Codes list: Printed and virtual
With the option “Printed and virtual“, all cards are considered in the game. All winners (virtual and printed cards (PDF)) will appear in the winners list.
Visual settings

Display “Current/Previous draws” on virtual cards
This option can hide the current and previous draw fields at the top and bottom of the virtual card.

Show “Click All” button
Players can click on all squares at once with the “Click All” button. This is convenient for players who join late in the game and want to catch up on draws.
Bingo message
This message will appear on a virtual card when a player gets a bingo. You can use this message in order to explain what happen when a bingo is made. Ex.: Please contact us at to receive your prize.
Message to winners
This message will appear when the host use the feature “Raffle among winners“. The raffle will be among players who had bingo during the game. The winners of the raffle will see “WINNER!” and the other not picked will see “Better luck next time“.
Winning patterns to get a bingo
Choose from a list of 81 winning patterns to get bingo(s) during the game. You can modify the winning patterns every time you restart the game. If you have more then 100 cards in the play and you want only one or two winners, avoid to select easy patterns like the lines of 5 consecutive squares (vertical, horizontal, diagonals).
To make it harder for players to get bingo, you can select patterns like the X or any other that requires more squares. If you would like to have a specific pattern added to the list you can send us a request. You can learn more about the odds to get a bingo with the Bingo Simulator and the Bingo Calculator.
Payment (Credits/PayPal)
Activation time:
The caller will be active by default for 3 hours and you can restart as many games as you want. You can extend the activation time for up to 8 days maximum.
When you create a new bingo project the first caller activation is free. For the following caller activation, the cost depends on how many cards you have in your project at the rate of 1 credit per 25 cards. The countdown starts when the caller is activate, and it is shown in the bingo caller interface. You can have one active caller at a time per account.

Activate the virtual bingo caller
We tried to simplify the bingo caller in order to make sure anybody can use it. The bingo caller was designed to make the draws, keep track of the game and validate the winners. The host can follow the game call out the winning cards.

Current and previous draws are displayed at the top of the board and are automatically updated after each draw. You can display the flashboard on an extended desktop screen within the caller, or use the Virtual Flashboard and display the board on other devices like a giant screen like in a professional bingo hall.
Game information
This section indicates the details about your game such as how players can join your game, the game name, game number and the password. The trophy icon displays the patterns you selected for this game. The timer indicates how many time left before the caller is over. You can see in real time how many players are in your game, so you can start the draws when most players have joined.

Control access to your game
You can lock/unlock access to your game. We have noticed that a player who joins late in the game can get a bingo with the draws already made, which can add winners. When you start the draws, lock the access. When you restart the game, unlock the access and let other players enter the game at that time.

Enable / Disable the voice feature
The bingo caller has a voice function to announce the draws. The same button can be found in the upper right corner on virtual cards. We have four professionals who will call columns, numbers or emojis during the game in English, Spanish, French and Hindi. We will eventually add other languages.

Make manual or automatic random draws
To start the game, manually click on “Make Draw“. To use the automatic draw, select the number of seconds between draws and click “Enable”. To disable the function, click “Disable“. When the option “Stop the draw when a card is winning” is set to “Yes“, the bingo caller will be deactivated when there is at least one winning card.

If the option is set to “No“, the bingo caller will continue without taking into account to the winners. Draws will stop when all bingo values are drawn or when all the values of a simulation are drawn.
Manual selection of the draws
Make the draws of numbered balls with your own bingo cage and bring the numbers in the virtual bingo caller so players can click on their virtual cards. To activate the selection feature click “Manual selection of the draws” and click the numbers in the bingo board.

Open the board
This function opens the board in another window. Drag the window into the other screen (TV or projector) and display the board so that the players follow the draws as in professional bingo centers. You can also display the external flashboard from any location if needed.

Send messages to players
This feature allows the host to send messages to all players or a specific player. When sending a message, the caller will remain in pause until the host click “Continue the game“.

By default the message will be sent to all players unless you limit the message to certain cards. It can be useful if you want to display general game information to players or contact the winners.
Playlist and Winners list
The Playlist shows all the draws of the game. The Winners List shows the card numbers, the winning patterns and the player names.

Automatic validation of virtual cards
Only the virtual cards that are played on a device will appear in the winners list. When a player has the possibility of having a bingo in his virtual card, the card number with pattern and the player name will appear in the winners list (not crossed out). Once the player clicks all the squares and get the winning pattern, a pop-up message will appear on the screen “Bingo!”. At that moment, the card will be crossed out in the winners list to indicate that it has been validated.

Manual validation of printed cards
The bingo caller cannot validate if a player has correctly played the squares on a printed card. To validate a printed card, check each of the squares with your board and playlist. Once the squares have been confirmed, click on the card in the Winners list and click “Validate“. The card will be crossed out to indicate that it has been validated. If you end the game with the “Raffle among winners” feature, only the validated cards (crossed out) will be part of the final draw.

Get the list of winners
Before you restart or close the game, make sure you save the winners for this game. In the winners list click “Get the list“. In the menu of your browser click “File” and “Print“. Save the list as a PDF file.

Ways to end the game
Restart the game (new game)
This function enables you to reset all the bingo caller tables and to start another game. You can play as many games as you want until there is no time left on the active bingo caller. You can use this moment to select new patterns for the next game.

When you restart the game, players stay connected to your game, their cards are reseted, and they keep playing with the same card again. A message will indicate the game number and the new patterns for this game.

Raffle among winners
This function allows a raffle among players who have won winning lines during the game. Making the raffle finishes the game and displays the desired number of winners. Only validated cards will be part of the final draw among winners. This way of ending the game can be accomplished with printed cards by playing with the 4 corners method, read more at: How to play bingo?
Close the game
When you close the game, the caller is deactivated. Players will be ask to leave the game and then redirected to the initial game page (the public Games List page or your own Bingo Page). The remaining time of the countdown is lost.
– Intro
– Flashboard
– Video tutorial
Game Settings
– Access settings
— Game name
— Make the game private
— Access type (password or codes)
— Game type
– Allocation of cards
– Allocation with a unique password
— Number of virtual cards
– Allocation with the codes list
— Codes list: All virtual
— Codes list: Printed and virtual
– Visual settings
— Display “Current/Previous draws”
— Show “Click All” button
— Bingo message
— Message to winners of the raffle
– Winning patterns to get a bingo
– Payment (Credits/PayPal)
– Activation time
Activate the caller
– Game information
– Control access to your game
– Enable / Disable the voice feature
– Manual or automatic random draws
– Manual selection of the draws
– Open the board
– Send messages to players
– Playlist and winners list
– Automatic validation of virtual cards
– Manual validation of printed cards
– Get the winners list
Ways to end the game
– Restart the game (new game)
– Raffle among winners
– Close the game
Create or modify your Bingo Page URL