Create Bingo Cards

Personalized bingo cards


In order to host a bingo game, you must first create a new bingo card project. You can have from 25 to 3,000 bingo cards per game. Then, you can host your game using printed or virtual bingo cards with the Virtual Bingo Caller.

make bingo cards

Save and print your bingo cards


If you’re using printed bingo cards, you can choose one of the print layouts. Make the Design of the cards by importing images around the page for advertisement.

create bingo cards

Watch the tutorial


Play Using Virtual Bingo Cards


Try with the Free Virtual Bingo Game.

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– Instructions –

Create a new bingo card project


Log In to your Bingo Maker account. On the main page, click at the top-right corner on “⊕ New Bingo Project“.

new bingo project from 25 to 3,000 bingo cards

– Log In –
Create a new Bingo Project
with the app ⭐

Card settings:

Number of cards


First, choose the number of cards that will be generated by the application for this project with a minimum of 25 cards and a maximum of 3,000 cards. You can learn more about the prices on the page Costs of services.

create from 25 to 3,000 custom bingo cards per game

Type of bingo

type of bingo

You can create your own custom bingo cards with Numbers, Emojis and Words/Phrases in the cards squares. Emoji bingo is a great way to learn new words in English, Spanish, French and Hindi. When you select Words/Phrases, you can insert music titles in the squares and play Music Bingo.

create custom bingo cards

– Numbers

To create bingo cards containing numbers in the squares (standard bingo).

bingo cards numbers

– Emojis

To make bingo cards with emojis in the squares, at “kind of bingo” select “Emoji“. A new option will appear. If you want to display the emoji name so player can read it, at “Emoji name” select “Show“. It will be set by default to “Show“. You can later modify this option again when you activate the caller for this bingo project.

bingo cards with emojis

– Words / Phrases

To create bingo cards with personalized text lines, words or phrases, in the squares. This is how bingo cards were created for Music Bingo with the titles in the squares of the cards. You can enter the text lines at the next step. You can learn how to do this further down this page: click here to access Words/Phrases

bingo card words phrases

Project name


Enter the name of your project, it will help you sort out your bingo projects. The name will be shown on the main page of user account.

Column headers


Modify the column headers BINGO for another five letters word.

Number of random values


Set the number of random values that will be distributed randomly in the squares of the cards. The voice to call out the numbers can only work with 75 numbers. If you use a bingo cage, this number represents the 75 numbered balls. By choosing the number of random values, it is as if you have changed the number of numbered balls inside the bingo cage. You can set the amount of values from 25 to 150. For a standard bingo game, choose 75 (numbers from 1 to 75). If you want to define the number of values more precisely and understand the variables that influence a bingo, go to the bingo calculator page. You can also make some tests with the Bingo Simulator.

Center case


The center of the card can be either free or have a square containing a value like the others.

The cards will be numbered from # to #


Enter the number of the first card in your project. This function allows the numbering of another pack of cards to follow sequentially.

Printed cards options:

printed card options

Print Layout


Choose one of the 5 print layouts from the location of the card(s) on the sheet: 2 cards, 4 cards, 1 card centered, 1 card to the right, 1 card to the left. The gray areas represent the spaces available around the cards where you can insert images during the design of the cards. The page layout of the models is suitable for US Letter size paper 8.5″ x 11″ (215.9 mm x 279.4 mm).

print layouts with design

Card title


The title will appear at the top of all the cards. It can be modified during the design.

Show the date


The date will not appear on the virtual cards. Choose the date of your bingo event or disable the function. By default, the date of creation of the project will be included on the cards. If you want another date, select it on the calendar. The date can be modified during the design.

Card number in the corners


This function allows the card number in the 4 corners to be displayed. When a player gets a bingo, the organizer rips a numbered corner of the card and keeps it for the final draw. This way, he can make a draw among the winners at the end of the game. This function can be modified during the design.

Hide the Bingo Maker website / logo / QR


If you want to get your printed bingo cards / PDF without the Bingo Maker tags click “Yes“. This will remove the website, logo and QR code from the cards.

hide website logo qr

A new field will appear so you can replace our website for yours instead. Enter the website name here or let this field empty if you want to hide it. Here are three examples of printed bingo cards without our labels (standard, design, design with space optimization):

hide website logo qr cards

Create your bingo project


When you have finished selecting your project settings, click “Create cards“. If you want to design the cards, click “Create cards and make the design“. Note that you will be able to design the cards later. The bingo cards will be randomly generated so that there are no duplicate cards in a same project.

create cards

To view the bingo cards that you just created, go in the row of your project and click the “Cards” icon. The last project created or edited will be shown at the top of the project list.

view bingo cards

We will keep your bingo cards on our server for 6 up to months. After this period, the cards will be removed from the bingo project. You can recreate the cards for free and reactivate your project by clicking “Create cards”. To access the new cards, go in the row of your project and click “Cards”.

recreate cards

Bingo with words or phrases


To make bingo cards with words or phrases in the squares, at “kind of bingo” select “Words / Phrases“. Select the number of words or phrases you have in your list at “Number of random values“. Go at the bottom of the page and click “Next step“.

words phrases values

Enter on the table the text lines that will appear in the squares of your bingo cards. The table is divided into five columns BINGO. In order to prevent losing your list and to quickly import it in the table, Copy and Paste your list from a Word Excel document. The values entered will be placed on the table according to the selected input method. You will not be able to change the input method once your game will be saved.

Input method: By columns (default setting)

list by column

Copy and paste” the text lines on the table and they will be distributed by columns.

list of values by columns

Input method: By rows


When you select the input method “By rows“, a window will appear in your browser “Do you want to leave this site?“. To continue, click “Leave“.

change by rows

Copy and Paste the text lines on the table and they will be distributed by rows while alternating columns. This method allows a better distribution of values to avoid inserting the text lines in alphabetical order in the same columns.

values by row

When finished, click “Save list and create cards“. To view your cards, go in the row of your project and click the “Cards” icon.

save list and create bingo cards

Once you have saved your list, you will have 12 hours to make corrections to the values by clicking “Correct the list of values“. This function cost 2 credits per 25 cards depending on how many cards are in the game.

bingo maker logos 1


– Intro
– Printed cards
– Video tutorial
– Virtual bingo cards

New bingo project

Card settings
– Number of cards
– Type of bingo
— Numbers
— Emojis
— Words / Phrases
– Project name
– Column headers
– Number of random values
– Center case
– Cards from # to #

Printed cards options
– Print Layout
– Card title
– Show the date
– Card number in the corners
– Hide our brand
– Create your bingo project

Bingo with words or phrases
– Input by columns
– Input by rows

If you are using Virtual Cards, you can host your game Now!

If you are using Printed Cards, you can make the Design

*Return to introduction ⤴️